Каждые полгода лаборатория BLI присуждает лучшим производителям своюнаграду «Лучший выбор». Награда присуждается за продукты, показавшиенаилучшие результаты в испытаниях, которые проводятся BLI пособственной методике. Тестируется ряд наиболее важных для покупателейфакторов качества работы, включая, в том числе, надежность, простотуиспользования, производительность и стоимость продукта.
BuyersLaboratory Inc. (BLI) провела весеннюю сессию по тестированию офисныхМФУ, в ходе которой выбирались лучшие аппараты по целому рядупараметров, критичных для заказчиков.
В результате отбора МФУ Xerox WorkCentre 7425 получил почетное звание победителя в номинации «The Spring 2009 Copier MFP Pick».
WorkCentre7425 – инновационная цветная многофункциональная система, котораяпозволяет поднять работу с офисными документами на новый качественныйуровень. Применение революционных технологий обеспечивает отличныецвета и скорость печати, более высокую надежность, легкие виспользовании функции и соответствие последним стандартам по защитеокружающей среды.
WorkCentre 7425 поддерживает разнообразныепечатные материалы, обеспечивает разнообразную финишную обработку, атакже позволяет организовать необходимый учет и контроль расходов напечать и соответствие самым высоким требованиям безопасности.
Инновационныйподход при проектировании аппарата реализован в улучшенной технологиипереноса изображения на базе светодиодной (LED) технологии, котораябыла совместно разработана компаниями Fuji Xerox и Nippon Sheet Glass.Новая технология HiQ LED предлагает ряд преимуществ, таких как лучшее иболее постоянное качество изображения, меньший размер блоков переносаизображения, более высокую надежность и эффективное управлениерасходами.
Sharp And Xerox Take Top BLI Honours For Best 21- to 40-PPM Colour Copier MFPs
Sharp Electronics Sharp MX-2600N Outstanding 21- to 30-PPM Colour Copier MFP Sharp MX-3100N Outstanding 31- to 40-PPM Colour Copier MFP Xerox Xerox WorkCentre 7425 Xerox WorkCentre 7428 Outstanding 21- to 30-PPM Colour Copier MFPs Xerox WorkCentre 7435 Outstanding 31- to 40-PPM Colour Copier MFP |
Two Sharp models based on the same highly reliable engine were bothhonoured for the outstanding performances they turned in during BLI’srigorous two-month lab test. At 26 ppm and 31 ppm, respectively, theSharp MX-2600N and MX-3100N both scored very high marks in nearly allaspects of performance. Recipients of BLI’s “HighlyRecommended” rating, both offer very good print quality in both blackand colour. They also excel in areas of importance to IT professionals,with simple procedures for setup on the network, easy to use printdrivers, comprehensive feedback to workstations and an excellentoffering of security features. “While both of these Sharp models offervery good print quality and ease of use, their exceptional scanfunctionality in particular places them ahead of many of theircompetitors,” said BLI Managing Editor Daria Hoffman. “Sharp offers thesedistinctively designed models with an optional retractable keyboardthat makes it easy for users to enter e-mail addresses and the indexingdata that makes retrieving documents much easier,” said Hoffman. Inaddition, the units enable scanning to multiple different types ofdestinations in a single operation, show a preview of the scanned imageand enable integration with a range of applications via OSA. “Sharp is very pleased toreceive these prestigious BLI ‘Pick’ awards for the MX-2600N andMX-3100N,” said Keiichi Katsuta, President of the Division SharpInformation Systems Europe. “The MX-2600N and MX-3100N colour workgroupdocument systems represent the best in performance, features andreliability in the low- to mid-volume workgroup category with theirleading technology innovations, such as an integrated retractablekeyboard, high-resolution touch-screen display, dual-head scanning andSharp OSA technology.”
Demonstrating outstanding reliability over the course of their105,000-impression durability tests, the Xerox WorkCentre 7425, 7428and 7435 have earned Spring 2009 BLI “Pick” awards in their respectivespeed ranges. Chief among the enhancementsover their predecessors is Xerox’s newly-developed LED print headtechnology. In addition to allowing the devices to be more compact,with fewer moving parts, the LED technology helps to achieve lowerpower consumption. In addition to theirexcellent reliability, the three Xerox models offer image quality imagequality superior to that of most other competitive models evaluated,with excellent ratings for both colour business graphics and colourphotographic output in print mode, as well as for most aspects ofquality in black print. Even in copy mode, image quality was very goodoverall in both colour and black. “Productivity was alsostrong in a number of key areas for all three units, including thecolour and black job stream tests, which simulate the type of trafficdevices experience in a real-world, multi-user environment,” said BLIAssignments Editor George Mikolay. The ease of programming is alsoexceptional, both from the control panel and from the bidirectionalprint drivers, which provide highly detailed consumables feedback tousers. Another strength of these models is that the drums and wastetoner container are user replaceable, which eliminates the downtimethat would otherwise be required for service to replace thesecomponents. All three devices areEIP-enabled, allowing the device to integrate easily with third-partyworkflow applications to simplify tasks such as accounting and documentmanagement. For example, DocuShare Express 6 turns paper documents intoelectronic files that can be archived, searched, accessed remotely andcollaborated upon. Also noteworthy are thatmaximum paper capacities are the highest or among the highest for eachmodel’s competitive group, and paper weights up to 140-lb. index can beaccommodated through the majority of paper trays. “The Xerox WorkCentre 7400colour multifunction series delivers professional-quality colour andunmatched performance,” said Mark Boyt, Manager, Office ProductMarketing, Xerox Europe. “These compact new devices have beenengineered with savings in mind; savings on time, energy, runningcosts, space, downtime and environmental impact. This recognitionreinforces Xerox’s position as a leader in office colour printing.”
June 8: Monochrome Printers
June 10: Colour Printers
June 12: Special Awards
For 48 years, Buyers Lab (BLI) has been the leading independentoffice-equipment testing lab and business consumer advocate. Inaddition to publishing the industry's most comprehensive and accuratetest reports on office document imaging devices, each representingmonths of exhaustive hands-on testing in BLI's US and UK laboratories,the company has been the leading source of competitive intelligence forindustry professionals on copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners,duplicators, wide-format devices and multifunctional products. Thecompany's databases cover over 12,000 products globally and have along-standing reputation for being the industry's most trustworthy andcomplete source for specifications and side-by-side comparisons, all ofwhich are available as part of bliQ, BLI’s Web-based encyclopedicresource. Subscribers also have access to BLI's renowned Lab TestReports, First Look Reports, Solutions Reports, Environmental Reports,news articles and a complete library of manufacturer’s productliterature, as well as valuable tools including a Product Configuratorand Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator. Buyers Lab also providesbusiness consumers with How-To-Guides, a Needs Assessment Wizard andFree Vendor Quotes via its Buyers Lab Advisor Web site, as well asindependent purchasing advice and consulting from its Buyers Allianceprocurement experts. Business consumers and manufacturers can alsoselect from a vast array of confidential for-hire private testingservices that include document imaging device beta and pre-launchtesting, performance certification testing, consumables testing (suchas toner, ink and photoconductors) and software solutions and printmedia testing (including virgin and recycled papers). For more information onBuyers Laboratory, business consumers should visitwww.buyerslabadvisor.com. All others should visit www.buyerslab.com,call +44 (0) 118 977 2000 or e-mail dean.armstrong@buyerslab.com.